Healthy Staff, Healthy Business
24th December 2020

Software can help keep transport and logistics operators healthy during the pandemic. John Bradshaw of Honeywell explains.
Lockdowns, social distancing and remote working have changed the shape of daily lives across the country. Long established patterns of behaviour have been upended as a result, which has left many businesses struggling to keep up with the pace of change – none more so than the transport and logistics (T&L) sector. Supply chain continuity is essential during the current upheaval, especially as we approach the busy end-of-year period. To ensure this happens, safely and successfully, will require a range of co-ordinated enhancements; T&L operators of all sizes will need
to ensure that their operations are smarter, more flexible and more resilient than ever before. And that’s a tough ask.
The good news – a rare commodity during the global health crisis – is that there are the tools and methodologies available to make this happen. For example, next regeneration telematics and vehicle routing systems not only provide valuable real-time insights into fleet availability and deployment, they can also help ensure driver safety by minimising unnecessary social interactions. Deployed in combination with practical routines, such as social distancing and equipment sanitising, Healthy Staff, Healthy Business this can bring down contact points, helping keep drivers and warehouse staff protected. It is also essential to have a clear view of items as they pass along the supply chain; intelligence that is available from sensors on shipments, products and vehicles.
Connectivity is central to making this come together into a single, seamless solution. A cloud-based platform that delivers operational intelligence sits at the heart of the answer, helping keep mobile-equipped employees productive, while reinforcing their observance of local health and safety requirements. Having a holistic overview of operations, in combination with live, detailed insights, will ensure that managers can maintain the overall efficiency of their operations and have the detailed knowledge needed to identify issues before they become problems.
However, the single most important factor in increasing the resilience of a business is ensuring that its workforce remains healthy. In response to this this clear and continuing need, Honeywell has developed a remote asset management platform that helps T&L providers keep their mobile-equipped employees safe, compliant and productive. Called Honeywell Operational Intelligence, it provides vital knowledge about the use of IT and handheld devices deployed around a business. For example, it can:
■ Assign unique devices or assets to a specific user, creating a clear-cut chain of custody
■ Configure cleaning protocols for each device, ensuring optimum sanitation
■ Provide remote troubleshooting and user assistance, enabling contactless IT support
■ Check for proximity between devices and logs alerts if user gets too close, reducing the frequency of contact or touch
For staff predominantly out on the road, the requirements are more complex. The carriers must balance the requirements of safety and social distancing with the needs of carriage. In order to avoid contact during drop-offs/pick-ups, last mile drivers need to be equipped with the right mobility solutions – devices that deliver real-time route planning, to ensure punctuality, reliable communication and contactless proof of deliver/collection.
In an increasingly complex world of ecommerce, light freight and an ongoing health crisis it is essential that T&L operators can respond in meaningful, practical and productive ways to ensure business resilience and staff safety. There is no sign that the existing situation will revert to previous work routines – the current disruption will permanently transform transport and logistics. To be successful in the ‘new normal’ companies will need to form partnerships with trusted technology providers with a proven track record of delivering the systems and know-how needed to keep your business on the move. Honeywell understands the challenges T&L companies are facing and has developed solutions to help its customers during the current health crisis, and beyond.